Provisions & Libations
Provisions & Libations
Baking with Kids
An afternoon baking cookies is a pure joy. With the addition of children, it becomes an immense joy.
I spent an afternoon with Michelle as she baked cookies with her friends' children as their pretend grandma and pretend grandchildren. As they, the children, measured ingredients and counted out chocolate chips, Michelle lovingly taught the children math and English in her baking routine. By the end of the day, the children sat around the dinner table, dunked their cookies into milk, and talked about how good they were and wanted to go for round 2 with oatmeal raisin cookies.
Michelle Snyder Curtin, Property Management & Public Accounting. As a young child in Santa Barbara, CA, Michelle had the opportunity to learn cooking basics from the Queen of the Kitchen, Julia Childs. Michelle learned to cook to feed people and that is how you show your love among other things.
Property Management and Public Accounting are Michelle's career fields along with cooking and baking as her passions.
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